Connecta amb l'Edat Mitjana

Edition 2024-2025

Connecta amb l'Edat Mitjana
5th Edition 2024-2025
Coord. Rogerio Tostes
"Institutional Identities and Representations of Collective Solidarities (9th-16th century)"
1st Bloc - Early Middle Ages:  Sergi Tella (Universitat de Lleida), Mats Pfeifer (Otto-Friedrich-Universitat Bamberg), Alicia Martín Rodriguez (Universidad de Salamanca).
2nd Bloc - Late Middle Ages: Thomas Lacomme (Université Jean Moulin-Lyon III), Anna Floris (Università di Palermo), Laure Domont (Université d'Avignon - Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III), Jaime Moraleda (Universidad de Castilla La Mancha)

Thank you for attending the IMMLleida 2024!

The IMMLleida team would like to thank all who attended the 12th IMMLleida and who helped to make the conference such a huge success!  
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